From Morgan Price, Hugh's brother,
My brother Hugh Price died several years ago on June 12, 2004 in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Hugh was always proud of the Athletic Letter he earned as Team Manager for Highland High School's Baseball Team. The coaches taught him to be an accurate scorer for the record book, a role which continued to serve him well for the rest of his life.
John Criswell
In PE we had to run a cross country race. I hated running and I hated PE for that matter. Anyway Hugh and I were neck and neck for last place. In the sprint to the finish line all the classmates were cheering for Hugh. Thanks to all the encouragement from the cheering PE class I "won" last place and Hugh was greeted as a hero for not coming in last. Thinking back he really was a hero. Did I mention I hated PE?
John Criswell
HHS Class of 1963
Bill Basile
I was forced to take P.E. in 10th grade as well. I also hated cross-country. At that time the coaches---Mickey Miller and Tom Hoague had the idea that all they had to do was just send the boys P.E. class out to the cross-country fields or give the P.E. class a football or a basketball and tell the class togo play football or basketball or run cross-country. I can only hope that the P.E. coaches at HHS today are NO longer allowed to treat boys' P.E. classes with such disdain. After my sophomore year I refused to ever take another P.E. class. Things were so disorganized in P.E. that myself and Bill Henderson missed a class that we didn't even know about that was held at the old Highland bowling alley. We both had to go to Mr. Murray's office, the attendance director--certainly NOT the easiest or most empathetic man I ever met to explain why we missed a P.E. class. If it had not been for Bill Henderson threatening to call his parents right then and there, I think we both would have been suspended. To this day I am so thankful that Bill Henderson stood up to Mr. Murray!
bill basile