Martha Glantz (Farmer)
My New Year's resolve for a timely notice dissolved. But let's cut to the chase----LUNCH will be at Dave's High Desert Grill this Monday, Feb. 10, at 1pm. Dave's is on the east side of the Promenade Mall which is at 5200 Eubank NE. You can RSVP here or to me personally. We've eaten here before, and the menu is quite good. Looking forward to hearing from you all.
Last month we were at Tomasita's and were favored with 3 fresh faces-- Julie (Gannaway) Canniff, Jeannie Moya Huebner, and in a rare appearance, Cliff Blaugrund. Neither of our previous photographers were able to come, so I'm responsible for catching people mid-grin and making George look like he now has curly locks!
Sherril Coulter, Sandy Stewart Smallwood, Andy Paquet

John Criswell, Joe and Gloria Ruiz Santana

Jack Dettweiler, Steve Brooks, Neal Kloepfer

Cliff Blaugrund, Mike and Ruthie Wartell

Susan Myers Puckett, Betty Myers Schaefer, Helen Stambaugh Williams

Jeannie Moya Huebner and Walter Huebner. Julie, Susie Strong Neuschwanger & I sat at this table. I forgot to get a photo of us. Oh my.
