Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 3:30 p.m., at Immanuel Presbyterian Church for Irene Wang, 705 Loma Vista NE.
Miss Wang died Wednesday at Presbyterian Hospital from injuries received in a traffic accident Aug. 20. Death was attributed to a blood clot.
The Rev. Paul Calhoun will officiate. Burial will be in Fairview Park. The body will lie in state at the French Mortuary Chapel this afternoon and evening.
Pallbearers will be Bruce Wilson, John Dawson, Don Patterson, Dick Walsh, Steve
I'm glad, at long last, that Irene will have a permanent place in our memories. Even after all these years, I remember her, mostly from Dick Ness's senior-year Creative Writing class. That small group of people remains, still today, as one of my most vivid memories of Highland. As a whole, they were among the most remarkable people I've ever known, That, looking back over a half century, is really saying something.
At one point during that semester, I wrote a (terrible) poem about my mother's death at the end of our junior year. Irene had lost her mother some time earlier, and she was the only person in the class who seemed to understand what I was so inadequately struggling to say - I loved her for that, and I still remember. I wish that time had allowed her to share that understanding and empathy with others.
Her death was too early - and too tragic - and I truly wish that the empathy and sincerity I remember could have lasted longer. I think she might have made a difference. Maybe, in at least some of our memories, she has.
James Winship Parmelee
Jay Ortiz
Thanks, Jim, for posting this.
I'm glad, at long last, that Irene will have a permanent place in our memories. Even after all these years, I remember her, mostly from Dick Ness's senior-year Creative Writing class. That small group of people remains, still today, as one of my most vivid memories of Highland. As a whole, they were among the most remarkable people I've ever known, That, looking back over a half century, is really saying something.
At one point during that semester, I wrote a (terrible) poem about my mother's death at the end of our junior year. Irene had lost her mother some time earlier, and she was the only person in the class who seemed to understand what I was so inadequately struggling to say - I loved her for that, and I still remember. I wish that time had allowed her to share that understanding and empathy with others.
Her death was too early - and too tragic - and I truly wish that the empathy and sincerity I remember could have lasted longer. I think she might have made a difference. Maybe, in at least some of our memories, she has.